Saturday, February 28, 2015

Who are We to Follow Now?

By: Wilfred Haynes

This question came to me as I was driving and listening to National Public Radio about another famous leader that had passed away. I thought about how much he meant to his community and the lives of those he touched. He was a great example of what we could become and what we considered the best of the best.

Then I thought to myself, “Who we are to follow now?” That question haunted me because as it made me look at myself. Could I be the next leader to make an impact on the lives of others? Do I have what it takes to step up, deny myself and give back to someone else? Can I be a leader?

So many times we talk about what our leaders are doing or not doing, but never actually step up in our own way to become leaders. I thought about the definition of a leader. To find the meaning I went to the greatest leader of all timeJesus Christ. He had a few characteristics that I want to highlight.

Jesus was selfless

He never was in it for the fame, glory, or honor. We as future leaders need to be selfless. Is it tough? Yes, it is hard to channel your ambition to move others forward and delay your aspirations. We as future leaders have to see, as Jesus did, the deepest need of people. They will not understand us or see what we see, but as leaders, we have to guide them, always keeping the objective in sight. I love that about our Lord. He led a small group of people and moved them forward with his sights on the bigger picture. It was never about himit was about them.

Jesus connected to People

Some may call this charisma, but it wasn’t. He understood that every human was the same. We all have issues, problems, and stories. One gift that Jesus had was the ability to identify with us. He walked the earth in human flesh. We as leaders must connect and realize that those following us have hopes and dreams as we do. By understanding that, we see each other as fellow human beings trying to figure out what this world is all about and where our place is in it.

Jesus was trustworthy

As leaders, we have to show up even when others do not. We have to stand by our word. We cannot be unstable. Jesus was faithful and true to his course. He never deviated from his mission and purpose in this life. He was building credibility all the time. That is the one area that we have to always be mindful of as leaders. If we lose trust it is so hard to gain it back. If you have it, you can compare it to a good investment. It pays huge dividends.

You and I can answer the question poised in the beginningwho are we to follow now? Yes, we can be that next generation of leaders. We can start in our homes, on our jobs, at church, and at school. We can take our rightful place in our communities and make a major impact in the world.